How to create a new user within the RAI event webshop
To create a new ‘user’ or ‘contact’ within the RAI event webshop follow the next steps.
Please note that only the contact person communicated to the event organization can add or
remove users!
- Click the dropdown button labelled “v” next to your name.
- Select within the dropdown menu “My Account”.
- You will be directed to the page that says “Hi, [your name]”.
- Then select within the left side menu “My Organization” and select “Users”.
5. You will be directed to the “Users” page.
6. At the right side of users-page you select and click the button labelled “Add User”.
7. You will be directed to the “Create New User” page.
8. Fill in all (required) fields to create a new user.
9. At the bottom of the page, you select and click the button labelled “Create User” to finish the
process of creating a user.
10. After you have finished this procedure the newly added user will receive a welcome e-mail.
Please note that this e-mail could end up in your spam folder!